College & Career Resources
Below are some great resources to use when considering your college or career path!

California Career Resource Network (CalCRN ), a program in the California Department of Education, provides the career development information and resources necessary to help you to identify and reach your career goals. CalCRN's resources are available for use by students, parents/guardians, educators, and anyone else interested in developing the critical career self-management skills necessary for success in today's world of work.

California Career Center is the website for career and college resources and tools to help students map their futures. Cal Career Center is focused on serving students but also contains resources for counselors, teachers, and parents.

The California Career Zone is a web-based career exploration system providing four easy to use career assessment tools and information on over 900 California occupations. Introductory Video

Career Surfer is CalCRN’s mobile application that can be downloaded for free from AppStore or Google Play. Provides basic information about the 900 occupations detailed on the California CareerZone.

The California Career Planning Guide takes students through a process for developing a personal career action plan. Hard copy guide in English. Free online graphic and text versions in English and Spanish.
U.S. Bureau of Occupational Outlook Handbook: This is a guide to career information about hundreds of occupations! Includes the following
Labor Statistics information: Job Summary, Entry-Level Education; Median Pay; and much more.

Career Girls is an organization dedicated to providing young girls of all income levels and ethnic backgrounds with the academic tools and support they need to achieve their professional aspirations.

“Jobs Made Real is a website developed and owned by Chop's Teen Club, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Santa Rosa, California. The website features videos of people describing and engaged in doing their jobs.”

The central mission of the STEM Education Coalition is to inform federal and state policymakers on the critical role that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education plays in U.S. competitiveness and future economic prosperity.
Math@Work is a Web series that ties students’ classroom learning to their career aspirations. Students will engage as they discover the importance of math from industry leaders and the Scholastic Math team. For 5th Grade and up. The most common question students ask math teachers at every level is “When will I use math?” is a non-profit website that helps to answer this question. This website describes the importance of mathematics and many rewarding career opportunities available to students who study mathematics.
Careers in Math (from the Mathematics Association of America): One of the benefits of studying mathematics is the variety of career paths it provides. Mathematics provides careers as diverse as teaching, computer science, actuary, and finance. CareerCast ranked mathematician as the best job for 2014 based on four factors: environment, income, outlook, and stress. The statistician was ranked third and actuary was ranked fourth. A study by PayScale shows that the top 15 highest-earning college degrees have a common element: mathematics.
James Tanton’s curriculum helps Excellent practical ideas to improve your teaching, and to help students learn to love math. (GREAT VIDEOS for teachers and/or students!!!)